Confronting Complexity, a VOIP example

Growth creates complexity, and complexity is the silent killer of growth. With this opening to their article on the founder’s mentality, Chris Zook and James Allen highlight the importance of having an owner’s mentality, a frontline obsession and an insurgency mindset in order to curb complexity as the organization grows. Throughout my career I always […]

No Splash? No Problem.

If you ever wanted to see the difference between a high performing team and a collection of high performing individuals,  you got your chance last night at Oakland, California. Game 1 of the NBA finals between the reigning champs Golden State Warriors and the reinvigorated Cleveland Cavaliers revealed the stark contrast between the two teams. […]

Protocol Managers

There’s a certain dissonance that almost every employee faces in the workplace. The sharp contrast between the inspirational leaders we sometimes see in the media and their own manager. Quite a difference, right? Now we can’t expect everyone to be an Elon Musk, Steve Jobs or a Barack Obama. They are truly a selected few […]